
Showing posts from September, 2021

'Banana Leadership'? And What To Do In The Face of It..

Agreeing to the precept that humans are fallible, imperfect and prone to making mistakes, especially when it comes to power, it stands to reason that confiding in a system that is made up of humans wielding power is totally absurd. Common sense, right? Not so fast. "Common sense ain't so common," Will Rogers once observed. Even if it goes against common sense, the golden rule, and the non-aggression principle, people are unlikely to question a system they've been indoctrinated into adopting. People are more prone to believe what they have been programmed to believe. Whether it's a political or religious belief, or a combination of the two. Overcoming this requires a special flavor of bravery that isn't readily available in the average person. It's the kind of bravery that is birthed from a lot of psychological agony and suffering, usually at the cost of losing one's innocence. It must be nurtured and nourished on a daily basis, otherwise it will revert

The Thing About Post Nut Clarity

Ever had an orgasm and felt like you’ve suddenly come back to reality and back to your senses?  By Ellen Scott, Via That’s post nut clarity, defined on Urban Dictionary as: ‘the immediate clear mindedness or soberness an individual gains after orgasming (busting a nut).’  The concept of post nut clarity has been bandied about for years and in many different contexts. Sometimes it’s used in reference to someone experiencing immediate regret for having sex with someone else, whether because they were drunk or being driven by their horniness rather than any sound decision making. It’s also often brought up when talking about masturbation. Let’s say you’re really worked up and, in a strange erotic daze, you find yourself watching some quite strange porn. After you orgasm, you might land back in your usual mindset and feel baffled by what you’ve just watched (and how you found it arousing), or even ashamed and embarrassed. The idea is that we make strange – and sometimes bad – d

The best music documentaries to watch

From Tina to Under The Volcano, these music documentaries will inspire and enlighten in equal measure   It’s easy for music documentaries to descend into navel-gazing celebrity puff. But for our troubles, 2021 has rewarded us with an abundance of films that are insightful, creative and even – whispers – authentic. From that agenda-setting Britney documentary to Demi Lovato’s brutally honest YouTube series, many interrogate the nature of celebrity and what it means to be an artist today. But there are nods to the past, too, in Questlove’s surprise hit Summer Of Soul, for example, and upcoming film Under The Volcano. Scroll for GQ’s pick of the best music documentaries from 2021 – and thank us later. Image By FX Networks 1/10 FRAMING BRITNEY SPEARS Probably the most talked-about music documentary of the year,   Framing Britney Spears   ushered in a wave of films about what it means to be a woman in the music industry. From the   New York Times , it sheds new light on the damaging effects

Will I Get Arrested for Posting About Drugs on Social Media? Via Vice

The pics most likely to land you in prison aren't what you think. By  Anna Samson With around  46.6 million people online  every single day in the UK, the  internet  can feel like a wild and lawless place. Scams and  catfishes  abound, while what people actually end up getting arrested for appears to vary from year to year, person to person and case to case.  Take the England football fan who went viral this summer after shoving a flare up his arse and jubilantly   snorting keys of white powder   on film. “I was off my face and I loved every minute,” he later told the   Sun . But the guy was never questioned by police – so what figures? Does that mean anyone can post anything? Turns out, your posts   can   get you in trouble with the law – but not always in the ways you’d think. With that in mind, here’s what you need to know about posting illegal shit on   social media .  DRUG PHOTOS AND VIDEOS It's the morning after the night before and you're swiping through your mates&#