
Showing posts from October, 2021

Sudev Rathod Runs A Car Tuning Company That Customizes German Automobils

  "Love fast cars and making them faster  was  just a new level for me!" - Sudev Rathod Owning a car is not enough. Making it blend with your personality and match your unique lifestyle is what SVR Performance specializes in. The ultra-pro garage  is owned and operated by Sudev Rathod, the 21 year old who has mastered the special art of personalizing German cars in Kenya. Like every other shrewd businessman will tell you, the riches are in the niches. The car tuning scene is relatively competitive. It makes sense why SVR Performance picked a segment of the market and ran with it. You must be wondering about the  whos, whys,whens, hows and where's of Sudev Rathod, so here is the icebreaker interview he partook in October 2021. Before we start, can you talk about why fell in love with tuning cars?  I've love cars since I was like 5. I grew up with cars my whole life till date. Love fast cars and making them faster was just a new level for me!  What's the first thing

Elon Musk's Tweets Are Going Off The Rails

  The world's richest man, read Elon Musk, has an unorthodox funny bone. The man who authors market-shifting tweets also autors the internet's most troll-worthy status updates.  Just yesterday, Elon's networth is reported to have shot up $250b, leaving Jeff Bezos in the dust. He has a real reason to flex his cortex and drag whomever he chooses. He does this by subtweeting his billionaire couterparts. Mostly Bill Gates and fellow space race opponent Jeff Bezos.  You are welcome to discover what off-the-rails tweets by the head of Tesla looks like below: What if ur name is Johnson & u just happen to work at Johnson & Johnson? — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 25, 2021

Egyptian ride-sharing company swvl is going public in a $1.5B merger- Via Tech Crunch

  Cairo and Dubai-based ride-sharing company Swvl plans to go public in a merger with special purpose acquisition company Queen’s Gambit Growth Capital,  Swvl said Tuesday . The deal will see Swvl valued at roughly $1.5 billion. Swvl  was founded by  Mostafa Kandil, Mahmoud Nouh and Ahmed Sabbah in 2017.  The trio started the company as a bus-hailing service in Egypt and other ride-sharing services in emerging markets with fragmented public transportation . Its services,  mainly  bus-hailing, enables users to make intra-state journeys by booking seats on buses running a fixed route .  This is pocket-friendly for residents in these markets compared to single-rider options and  helps reduce emissions (Swvl claims it has prevented over 240 million pounds of carbon emission since inception). After its Egypt launch, Swvl expanded to Kenya, Pakistan, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The company also moved its headquarters to Dubai as part of its strategy to become a global company. Swvl offerings ha

Why SPACs aren’t targeting African startups

 Via Tech Crunch   Tage Kene-Okafor @ulonnaya  /  10:52 AM GMT+3 • May 14, 2021 One. That’s the number of African tech companies that have gone public on the NYSE in the last 10 years. Two, if you’re counting local exchanges. The former is African-focused e-commerce company  Jumia  and the latter is Egyptian fintech company Fawry. As a tech company, Fawry’s listing on the Egyptian Stock Exchange is a rarity. Typically, most exchanges in emerging markets like Africa, India, and Latin America are filled with traditional companies in age-old sectors like banking, telecoms, manufacturing, and energy. Unlike Fawry, what you see these days are new-age tech companies from these markets going public abroad, especially in the U.S. Due to the friendly nature of U.S. exchanges such as Nasdaq and the NYSE, and their history building up the FAANG and other multibillion-dollar companies, they have become the top destination for IPO-ready companies in emerging markets.   Last year, the U.S. IPO marke

Letter From The Editor

What are the benefits of being a new media proprietor? There are more than you can count on two hands, but the most appealing one for me has been being able to write and update my own job description.  Determining the editorial direction taken by The Address isn't even tough. What's tough is coming up with destinations that we can steer this ship towards. The journey towards creating a venerable new media outlet takes many directions at once. You can never really exhaust the infinite amount of topics, stories, opinions, questions and internet memes that the media can tackle. Likewise, you can never exhaust the multitude of angles from which to tackle topics, stories, opinions, questions and memes. The content universe is truly expansive.  I am saying that to say this: in 2021, there is no particular way compelling content should be. In Game Of Thrones terms, compelling content is a 'Many Face God'. It is neither here nor there in appearance. I had to be at h
  P POWER The Art of Leadership 5 minute read The true commander is the saviour, the messiah, the Good Samaritan. For what perfectly amounts to brotherly love and contentedness of mankind? Three elements; liberty, stateliness and prosperity. If you hand down this trifecta to your men, their fondness toward you will persevere. TABLE OF CONTENTS HIDE Clarity and Calculation Foresight and Unity Liberty, Stateliness and Prosperity Lust, Restraint and Chance The Economy of Language Clarity and Calculation You can be certain that men in great quantities can be overpowering. However, when their bravery is dismantled by a hero, anxiety makes them dizzy. And the larger the quantities, the more violent the trepidation. It can loom to such an intensity that no commander can pacify it with incentive or drive. No superior can kindle that initial belief by withdrawal. The more he attempts to reinstate their animation, the more uneasy the warriors in turn feel. Nonetheless, even within the bounds of

What's The First Thing They Teach You In Flight School?

Flying Aiplanes For A Living Explained It would not be wise to have the opportunity to interview a pilot and pass on it. Alex is another member of this generation who is currently training as a pilot. Planes are essentially metal birds capable of amazing things. Like air travel.   Alex's Instagram Profile How many hours of flight have you clocked so far?  I have 27 hours of flight. Does it take 10,000 hours to be good at Aviation as well? 10,00 hours of flight is a huge number even for the airline pilots. So,yes. Before we start, I wanted to know how you ended up in the Aviation industry. How does that story go? I ended up in the aviation industry with a dream. Ever since I was a child I loved the look of a airplane flying in the sky and having the freedom to do so. I originally wanted to join the military to become a fighter pilot but due to my bad eye sight they wouldn’t let me in so instead to took up the airline route.  Can you talk about how you decided to be a pilot and fly p

The Color Of Mexico In Movies Explained

The 'Mexican' Movie Filter Is Worse Than We Thought. Story by Cracked Chances are, if you've watched a movie or TV show in the past 20 years in which the characters visit a Latin American, Middle East, or South Asian country, you've noticed a bit of saturation or color filters in certain scenes. This practice uses a yellow filter to present those countries, compared to other (more Eurocentric) locations of that specific piece of media. Now, generally, the idea of letting audience members know where the characters are located in a movie or TV Show is pretty helpful. However, the use of these filters comes from a history of stereotypical portrayals of brown people in the media and industry overall, making the filters problematic at best and downright racist at worst. It is a very outdated practice that has been called out on multiple occasions yet still continues to appear time and time again.  First, a little history on color correction in movies and media. Before digita