
Showing posts from November, 2021

Kenya: A Corruption-Doomed Nation..

I'm not addressing this to any other existing politician either, because there aren't any in high places who seem able to take on the mantle that is now required; they're all too corrupt or caught up in a dying and dysfunctional system.   Yet the appeal itself is still valid and must now be addressed to new leadership and conscious governance that we so desperately need. This vacancy needs filling and there are openings. -          BRIAN O’LEARY May 15,2011 By Sami Zayne Has Kenya become an intellectually neutered society? These are the questions I mull over when I read scores of articles available in the press in which Kenyans continue canonizing latter day politicians. Will the populace ever learn? I ask myself these questions when the average man starts coining phrases ‘But he is our thief’ or the popular one ‘that’s all persecution for his ideology’ that has become associated with one of the modern-day demagogues. “The average man is daft”, quipped my good friend and fe