
Showing posts from December, 2022

The UIA breaks Silence on Interactive Dark Matter Discovered by Kenyan Scientist

Even with information at their finger tips, the Kenyan community still seeks the opinion of authority figures in matters Science. Do you recall that not so long ago a report broke out saying "Kenya discovers Interactive Dark Matter"? Following increased public interest in the matter, the Universal Intelligence Agency has come forward with an independent report of its own about Interactive Dark Matter, the ubiquitous stuff of life. "IDM is that part of Life that lays the foundation for manifest reality." It (IDM) is what Albert Einstein refers to in his 'Subtle is the lord' quote. Interactive Dark Matter works in subtle mysterious ways, but to the open-hearted it is not a mystery. Your ability to imagine and visualize life in your minds eye is linked like a mesh to Interactive Dark Matter. The UIA finding essentially corroborates the previous report that was published anonymously by a Kenyan contemporary scientist. In it, IDM is said to possess th