The Case For Rich Kids And Their Wildly Supportive Parents

In picture: Muhoho Kenyatta

There is a lot of talk surrounding Entitled or privileged kids. Children who have unlimited financial support from their parents. Rich kids have been spoken ill of and given a bad reputation simply for being the offspring of supportive parents. I want to make a case for the rich kids. The sons and daughters of wildly loving parents who are rightfully obligated to empower their children. The parents I refer to here are those who do everything within their power to provide their progeny with the means to pursue their own happiness. 

Now before I start, I wanted to use this platform to say that Entitlement is what parents should always expect from their God given children. Children are brought into this world without their consent. They never ask to be born. It is usually a decision that grown adults, called parents, make on their own. By this reasoning, you can see why parents have to live with the obligation of making their kids happy or facilitating that happiness.

Children come into this world as helpless infants who can't support or protect themselves. They proceed to grow up under their folks' wings and during that process, they learn to depend on said parents for basic human needs where shelter, food, health and clothes are given priority. In most families, this goes on untill the kids become adults. After turning the legal age, many children are sent off into the world to cater for themselves. Parents do the proverbial washing of their hands and withdraw their support. Damn.  In some cases, this occurs even before the kids mature into adults. Again, damn. 

Generally speaking, alot of humans haven't quite figured how to be happy and stay happy. Most people are occasionally happy and frequently unhappy about their lives. Our own unhappy parents are the children of our equally unhappy grandparents. We come from a long line of unhappy motherfuckers.

Let's double back to Entitled kids who enjoy the support of their parents. This is obviously the ideal situation for any child that's ever walked the earth. In the caveman era, support looked like protecting children from wild beasts. In 2021, support looks like putting money aside for your unborn child so they can have a seamless experience as they navigate life looking for their authentic happiness. 

Children who get financial support from their well-off parents are looked at as if they are spoilt. Ofcourse they are spoilt. Spoilt for choice, that's what's going on! They have plenty of options available to choose from interms of hobbies, possessions, careers and friends. Are you going to sit there and tell that the so called rich kids deserve a negative reputation simply because their parents are doing their all to facilitate their happiness? Get out of here with that limited view of parenting.

If we are going to have a better shot at getting fulfillment or happiness out of life, we have to look at ways of breaking the literal generational curse of unhappiness that has been the hallmark of human experience. 
It begins by understanding that children don't ask to be born and that if we choose to have kids, we must be willing to help them pursue their happiness through out their lives. It's about accountability. We have to hold ourselves accountable to our kids. There is a divine reason why we should consider supporting our children in the pursuit of their Worldly and heavenly happiness.

Happiness is the reason we  are driven to do what we do in our life. We get happiness when we achieve what we want. With this mentality, we can infer that parents become happy once they intentionally give birth to children. (At least most parents do!). Children can be seen as trophies that belong to their parents. But thats just a limited and egotistically selfish view of children. Kids are not meant to just make their parents happy. They also deserve to be happy in the hands of their happy parents. You can plainly say that  happy parents should raise happy kids. The inverse is also true: unhappy parents=unhappy kids. This is how the world is right now. There is plenty of unhappy parents raising unhappy kids who are destined to grow into sad and depressed adults.

To break the generational curse of unhappiness, it is a good idea to explore ways to support the children we bring into this world. Give your child a platform to find their happiness. You can do this by first giving them money to spend on their hobbies. (By the way, some hobbies end up becoming jobs and that usually leads to happiness). If a child, regardless of their age, has the ability to do what they want, crimes exempted, then they have a higher chance of finding their authentic means of achieving true self expression.

I want to end this biased argument  by welcoming you to change how you view children and parenting . Children are a big deal. Being a parent is a big deal. Children and parents are just looking for the same thing in life: Happiness. Today you can make a decision to become a happy parent who brings up happy kids. You do this by giving guidance, love, protection, providence and financial support to your kids.

Financial freedom is our only hope-Shawn 'Jay Z' Carter. 

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