King Kerby Interview

King Kerby Is Evolving The Nature oAfro-Popular Music

While transforming the sound of Afropopular music, King Kerby is simultaneously adding more color to Africulture in more than several ways. We invited him to talk about his vision and missionary work, as he gets ready for a double release led by 'Accra Nights' Ep. 

Now approaching his prime, King Kerby is a Force of Nature who is fully embodying his creative Element primarily through sound and culture. He has alot to work with, considering his vast track record exploring the musical landscape of the African continent. 

Several words can be used to describe the man. He is a travelling, recording, performing artist who maintains a tight grip on wellness. To say the least, the King Kerby advantage is anchored on crafting music and experiences that heal and appeal to those who dare to read between the lines and see beyond the veil.

Since his debut, King Kerby has never stopped working on himself and he has a discography to match his enduring work ethic.

Of his bold nature and mastering the courage to go all out, the King says :

"I attained the safety and security to go ‘all out’ by putting myself out there more and more no matter the weather. By making mistakes, learning from some, not learning from other mistakes then repeating them enough times to eventually learn from them, making connections, maintaining some and losing others, becoming more vulnerable, brave and accepting. It’s a constant work in progress but I’ll say this, the influence of my partner in my life has made all the difference in my character, awareness, confidence and professionalism, then being surrounded by people who become family. I feel safe here and I love it."

The interview we pulled off is a stream of consciousness laced with self awareness.

Ben Kenyan : I recently rediscovered your Sound cloud page. Can you talk about crafting your sound?

My Soundcloud page is the genesis, the O.G. Here, you can see what a young King Kerby envisions lyrically, melodically, socially and sonically. Started out as a rapper but in all I created, one could see clearly the influence of soul, r’n’b, jazz and other genres simply through the beats, producer collars and more. I always wanted to be part of the futuristic, groundbreaking, alte, innovative artist conversation and I have stayed true to that from the early Soundcloud days tom the current Spotify era. That brings me to my answer to the next question…

How did you become a taste maker? I mean, What do you attribute your 'Good ear' to? 

As a person, since I was a kiddo, Kerby always loved setting the vibes. Kerby always loved discovering dope radio shows, discovering new artists and digging deep to find out who produced what and when, where. Kerby always loved bringing DVDs full of the latest music videos week after week to sell in high school. Kerby always loved playing music off his iPod or listening to different iconic curators/slash deejays who literally championed different sounds and genres whether it was Dj Protege playing house on Capital FM or Rick Dees and the weekly top 40s and so on. I also really love lifestyle and cultural experiences so much that I always want to curate that, I have a background in events from wellness events to music events to a fashion of both. As an artist I'm also a selector and I have interacted with so many musicians who do totally different things and have different disciplines from myself and that made me the top dog I am today as far as taste making and curating.

Some artists are said to be ahead of their time as a compliment. Do you think and feel like you've been ahead of your time this whole time? Or are you more focused on the Moment?

I definitely feel like in many aspects I have been ahead of my time moreso  when it comes to my vision to curate a community space and entrepreneurship platforms where health and wellness can be the pillar of reimagining afro-popular culture. Sometimes, in my earlier days I struggled to live in the moment and be present enough because I went through so much as a kid, struggled as a teenager with my self confidence and identity. I was always wondering whether things would take off or whether I was good enough to play in the big leagues, whether I’d get the right resources or people to believe in me unconditionally enough to make it happen. A lot has truly happened along the way that help me raise my vibration, confidence, self awareness, communication, courage and appeal. It’s safe to say I’m able to be more present now.

Takes alot to be in a position to fully express yourself at the level of confidence. How did you attain the security you require to go all out? 

I attained the safety and security to go ‘all out’ by putting myself out there more and more no matter the weather. By making mistakes, learning from some, not learning from other mistakes then repeating them enough times to eventually learn from them, making connections, maintaining some and losing others, becoming more vulnerable brave and accepting. It’s a constant work in progress but I’ll say this, the influence of my partner in my life has made all the difference in my character, awareness, confidence and professionalism, then being surrounded by people who become family. I feel safe here and I love it.

Does being a Gemini pre-dispose you to succeed as an artist? I mean, look at Kanye West, 2 Pac, Khaligraph Jones, etc

Being a gemini pre-disposes me to succeed as an artist because Geminis are expressive and innovative in nature.

When did your stars start aligning? As in, when did you realize that you can't lose on this path?

My stars started aligning when I was just a little kid, but at the time I didn’t realise it was happening. It’s not until very recently as a grown man that I started to feel like there’s no way I could lose. The more self acceptance I develop, comparing myself less to others, at least fundamentally, then putting that energy into bettering my craft, loving myself, the more grateful I am the harder it is to be engulfed in doubt, fear and lower energies.

Why is it important for you to explore Africa as you do music? You've been to Accra, and to Capetown recently. What's the connection between traveling and making good music?

Travelling and making good music go hand in hand. I’m so grateful that I’ve had the opportunities to travel and explore the world a lot more lately, more so, travelling within Africa is really it. I’ve been able to connect with people whose culture is totally different, places that look different, seeing things that shape and influence the sounds that I used to hear only on Spotify and YouTube. That does something to you as an artist, I connect deeply with Ghana and South A, especially South A, Cape Town to be specific. The table mountain reminds me of Mount Kenya, and the ocean reminds me of Lamu, two places in Kenya that are very close to my heart. The nature and vast landscape, that’s absolutely my style, that’s exactly the kind of energy I carry and embody, the wellness culture, active lifestyle and warm, dense musical beat production I got working with Zino D and LD beats, the cinematography level in the music videos for the upcoming album, all these represent what I always envisioned sounding like and what I envisioned my videos looking like.I want to take home to Africa and the world, I want to also bring in the infrastructure to take the quality of our work here to the next level.

Your hair says alot about you, so does your style. Is it all part of the aesthetic you're working with right now?

Try as much as I may, I keep reverting to long hair, it just feels natural to me. Hair is an extension of our nervous system. Basically, my hair is like antennae and feelers, it connects me to the exterior of my sensory ability and surroundings. It helps me regulate my immunity, warmth, temperature, gives me room to show up as numerous versions of me in different seasons and timelines, it helps me feel royal, melanated, wild but also well kept, gentle but also edgy, so on and so forth. I take great care of my body, my skin and hair are testament to that and are a big part of my brand identity and story telling/world building.

Making honest music is a brave thing to do. Does it become easier to tell your truth and be vulnerable with every song you compose?

Making honest music ain’t easy at all. For the most part, society in general isn’t the most honest space. We have so many limiting constructs, limiting self beliefs, stigma around vulnerability, hyper masculinity that makes me as a male figure want to overcompensate by appearing overly tough or always hyped up, there is fear around being honest. I as a person am a recovering liar and gas lighter. Coming to terms with it has been a journey and continues to be. I try to be more vulnerable in my music because it feels more authentic to me to write the way I write. Anything we practise gets easier with repetition, but you will always feel everything and not try to numb yourself so even if it gets easier to do it, the experience our emotions create in our nervous circuitry is always felt.

What is it about being Kenyan that gives you so much confidence?

The thing that gives me most confidence in being Kenyan is my recent realisation of how beautiful we are as a people, obviously through travelling. I’ve realised that we are such warm, loving, friendly, funny, hospitable, hard working, creative, dependable and resourceful people. We sit at the heart of Africa and are able to see, perceive, receive and translate everything and everyone in such a unique way. Being Kenyan is such a beautiful thing, right now I feel so much beauty within me and around me, the rich red soil gives me so much soulfulness, our vast landscapes and tropical climate infuse me with unmatched vigour, verve and vitality.

The song 'Nakuwaza' sounds and looks like an acid trip. Is it about a girl or is is it about the Love of your Life? Or both?

Nakuwaza is such a wavy vibe song that literally typifies me as a person, my sound, my passion for micro dosing and my passion for the love of my life all in one.

The Fairy Goddess did the additional vocals on the song. How do you like collaborating with the same person you share your Heart with? 

Having The Fairy Goddess put vocals on Nakuwaza is very transformative for me. I've struggled to find stability in relationships and I'm taking responsibility for how that can also play out as an artist. Collaborating with someone who’s such a mirror of me is a very vulnerable liberating experience.

Is there any reason why Water part of the Nakuwaza video? The sound of flowing water, you in a bath tub etc. What are you communicating with that?

Water ended up being the theme of the Nakuwaza video because of where we were, Camps Bay Cape Town with a view of the ocean constantly, and the pools all around, it was healing to just immerse ourselves in water which represents our current process of surrender.

Can you talk about Cultural appeal? How come you are keen keen on blending your craft with the Culture? 

I’ve been keen on cultural appeal since I was a kid. Cultural appeal is the reason I grew in love with certain ideals, because of how certain individuals presented themselves, the way they looked at life, the way they were intentional about little details about mind, body and soul that reflected in all they touched. Everything I touch turns to gold, but at times that hasn’t been the case because I also touched certain things from a selfish unhealed place and caused sabotage, so it’s a balance. I love art, fitness, natural wellness products, I find luxury in self care, Im super meticulous and it feels amazing fusing that into my craft.

How do you envision the Afro-Popular Music landscape?

I envision Afro-popular space being a very inclusive, diverse, expressive, supportive, innovative and positively uplifting space where people can create at a high level, story tell at a high level and be able to earn while doing this, improve their lives and champion the places they represent.

So shortly after listening to your song, Pray I felt compelled to observe a moment of silence in meditation and prayer. Is this what you want your music to do for your listeners?

Pray is definitely a meditative song. The way we created that song was interesting. We(myself, Ketelby James the producer and Elsie) had a conversation about how it’s easy to get stuck in our heads and our past, that was the bed for my writing. As for the beat, Ketelby James and Gabiga music have a unique way of producing records that have ambient guitars, soulful percussions and rhythmic grooves. It creates such a spiritual and transcendent feeling,

How come you're so intentional with creating videos that convey story telling and visual appeal? Case in point, on the first scene on Pray, you're falling from the sky!

I love film, movies, documentaries, vlogs, insta stories, theatre, all of that.I want to incorporate all these techniques and daily visual storytelling avenues into my videos, also shout out to King Khassidy for amazing script writing.

Are you happy?

For the most part, I am happy. I’m living my dream. I built a wellness community, make music with people I love and I have the best partner in the world, the best friends. But I still struggle with some unresolved past sadness, some things still put me down, some old habits and patterns to let go of and some things to release and that’s okay. Perhaps these are the parts of myself that I still am learning to love unconditionally, other than that I’m happy.

Would you say you're creating music for your Soul Community? Given that your lyrics are something Divine..?

Yes, I'm definitely creating music for my soul community and it’s only now that I’m becoming more accepting of that and proud of that. I tried making music for everyone but it just isn’t me and that’s okay.

I'd like for you tell me about putting your purpose first and standing on business. Why do you do that?

Putting my purpose first has given me meaning, it has given me hope and given me an abundance of opportunities. I know that I will always be okay as long as I have purpose. My ability to stand on business speaks to the amazing people I’m surrounded by and also those people who are no longer in my life but I still have so much admiration for as they taught me how to really stand on business. I surround myself with people who push me out pot my comfort zone even though it can get uncomfortable sometimes.

Complete the sentence for me : Accra Nights is…..

Accra Nights is the beginning of my international sound and reach. It’s the birth of the sound I envision as my own, it’s the genesis of a whole new era of King Kerby, and King Kerby is Nairobi through and through, Nairobi is the intersection of East Africa.

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