The Power of Musau Matheka: A Case Study of Contemporary Culture

Article cover art by Benson Kirobi

People change all the time. What doesn't change is human nature. Hear me out. Times may change but our desire to make a difference stays the same. Case study: Musau Matheka, the man who has constantly influenced the evolutionary path of Contemporary culture.

How so? Shit, good question. Anybody and everyone involved with the Arts is directly involved with Culture. Period. I see people talking about how we have lost our culture in this age , but you couldn't be further from the Truth. Culture doesn't die. Culture is forever. It's a way of life. For Musau, it's called Shrap Life.

Most people don't even realize that our culture is alive more than ever. You look at the things Musau is upto, and you see a perpetrator of Culture. I guarantee you he sees himself that way too. How can he not be a cultural influencer when he is behind one of the most appealing music genres? How can he not? Tell me.

From a leadership perspective, Musau is at the very frontline of this generation’s way of life. It's captured by what he stands for: Shrap; a genre based off popular culture at its core. You take a specimen of Shrap, analyze it and you will find it has pop culture in its DNA.

Musau is absolutely, 100% a cultural enthusiast. I don't know if he knows this. It's been 60 days since we spoke. But the last time we talked, we were looking at ways to amplify the impact of Shrap. You can't say Musau has dilly dallied in his missionary work in life. I don't think he intends to stop. Ever. Dare I say Shrap is the reason Musau Matheka incarnated on this planet at this time. He lives for this stuff. 

As far as ages go, this is the golden Era of Self Expression. You know very well a people's way of life, (culture) is dead without Artists. Looking at it that way, it's easy to say that Musau is facilitating the Self Expression of his artists, and that is a cultural thing to do. The power of Musau Matheka lies in his involvement with the Art Industry. As long as he is in the Art industry, Smalls' work will continue to be felt by the spectators who depend on Shrap to meet their Contentainment needs.

With how things are going though, Musau might end up wielding even more power in the present and the future. Am not complaining. I like to see a brother get his power and be in his bag. Things get bigger as they gain momentum. Shrap is over 10 years in the making and it has the momentum necessary to grow immensely in the coming years. That will happen in a world where Musau plays the crucial role of finding the missing pieces  needed to complete the cultural puzzle of our time.

Society isn't whole until we have elevated the position of Artists. How do we do that? First, artists need to be be able to trade their talents for gold and silver. And if we don't have gold and silver, artists need to be paid in full for the important  work they do in keeping Contemporary Culture alive and in the best form. Musau is a music executive which  means he finds the highest bidders in the market who are willing to pay to have access to the Shrap God's that he represents. That was a long ass sentence, but the point is that if artists don't get paid, we don't get the best out of them. You can only pray that Musau continues to get better at his chosen profession.

You ask me what Musau is, I'll tell you the truth about who he is. He is a Creator. Like the rest of us. He created a movement and that's not an easy thing to do. Do you know how tapped in you have to be to be able to mobilize fans and critics of art? If you didn't know, let's get rid of the ignorance now.

Let's say Musau was the person who organized the studio sessions that resulted in the making of all the hits Boutross has put out. Now, to realize the Power of Musau, you gotta get into the details of making art and making music. First, an artist needs to be well taken care of in all areas of  their being. Food, wardrobe, logistics, recreational weed, moral support and financially, there has to be money on the table at all times. Without this things I guarantee you an Artist is going to struggle with making their art.

So when you think about the power of the Almighty Musau, you have to think about his ability to organize all the things required to create the best environment for an artist like Boutross to make good music. Not to mention that a musical manager like Musau has to also protect the brands he presents to the world. So add security to the list of things he has to do to facilitate the growth of Contemporary Culture. These are powerful things to do.

When I talked about being tapped in, I was referring to connecting with the Power of the Universe. That's where our power comes from. That's where Musau's power comes from. His power manifests in his continued contribution to Contemporary Culture.

If you need examples in order to get the picture, Musau is  can be likened to LA Reid of Epic Records, Rick Rubin of Def Jam and Top Dog of TDE. Aren't these powerful players who shaped the global culture by giving us the best of their artists? They are. So is Musau Matheka. 

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