Reportedly: WTF Is A Police State And Is Kenya Becoming One?

The ubiquity of government dominance through the police force has affected the prosaic lifestyle of many. Fear is in the air. Recently, I tried to interview some youth without success. “Manze makarao wakiona unawaseti watakumada” the exact response that I received. What if kenya become a total police state? Or a martial law?What would it look like?

By Hussein Waiyaki.

With the current escalation in political temperature within the past few months, Kenya now has taken the route of a police state or is more likely to do so. The dystopian future according to millions of Kenyans is already here. Sit. Take a look at how things are conducted within the government. It must be a police state, isn’t it?

The totalitarian dominance and repressive control of the State are overwhelming! You would wonder where “democracy” went. The Kenyan government unveils new tricks of dealing with its innocent citizens through the police force on a daily basis. Police brutality is never news in a country called Kenya. Extra-Judicial Execution is always done in the hands of the very police, a wing entrusted with the duty of safeguarding and protecting citizens.

Could the government have a hand in these killings? Do the police have a secret mandate to execute these murders? Could it be that police have secret anonymous power to repress and intimidate citizens? From how the government treats its citizens, its critics, and even internal differences, you could tell. I am personally convinced that Kenya is now a police state and has no single business with its citizens. Imagine walking along the busy road in the city or maybe at your local hood and a “police officer” from nowhere, in a total civilian attire, and, with nothing to prove he is a police officer stops you, and he insists to search you, your bag or even your handbag! Now you have two options, the “police guy” to search you or arrest you or both. Whichever way you go, the police will intimidate you accordingly. Arresting you can even be the worst as you will be charged with an account of things you never imagined in life. 

That is just one!

For millions of people in Kenya, the dystopian future is in the present. Driving or taking a bus to a neighboring town, you’d hit a checkpoint where an armed police officer might search you.

Take a look at how Extrajudicial Killings are executed, police right? Recently, after the curfew rules were imposed, it has even been 10 times worse. The constitution of Kenya 2010 accords sovereign power to the people but the real sovereign power is in government. Kenya is now an Oligarchy, owned by a few working in cahoot to suppress the rest, enjoying police protection at the expense of others. Plutocracies are the laws in Kenya. The police force is the nation’s national anthem in Kenya. 

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