Why Couples Who Share Bills Won't Make It To Heaven

I wanted to begin by saying that men are essentially producers while women are practically consumers. With this mindset, we can proceed to posit the argument that couples who split their bills will never set their foot in heaven. 'Heaven' used to refer to a harmonious relationship in which the man is dominant while the woman is submissive.

By Benson Kirobi

Relationship coaches argue that for a couples to reap the benefits of coexistence, the masculine and the feminine must first play their nature-given roles. Naturally, the masculine serves as the producer of the 'seeds of life', the feminine nurtures the seed. Cosmically speaking, the sun, seen as the Masculine for the sake of this argument, gives its energy to Mother Earth, which then uses that energy to nurture Life on this planet.

Men are 'cursed' with the role of providing. Providing security, including financial security, providing protection, food, and 'producing' families and creating a harmonious environment for their families to thrive. Women compliment the efforts of men by ensuring that those efforts bear fruit. From raising children sired by men, to making meals, cleaning the house and keeping the men 'grounded' through satisfactory sex. Naturally, the roles are perfectly split between men and women.

Modern day progressive masculinity has made a mistake in assuming that women can step out of their God-given feminine roles and provide in conjunction with men. Well, they can, but that is way out of their nature. Relationships in which couples split their bills can be described as hostage scenarios where the man and the woman are fighting for control. This, naturally, leads to chaos and the relationships ends up on the rocks.

Because the feminine depends on the masculine for leadership, providence and protection, it cannot be forced to be play these roles in a harmonious, or 'heavenly' relationship with a man. When a man lets or makes their woman foot the electricity bill or pay half for the dinner date, pay school fees for the children, pay half of the rent, etc., the woman starts wearing the pants in that relationship. It's a bad prRelationshipecedence for both parties. And that is because the Masculine and the Feminine principles are standing in the way of each other.

Progressive masculinity will have you convinced that it is okay to demand equal contributions in a relationship. That it is okay for both man and woman to grow together by jointly partaking in meeting the expenses accrued in long term relationship. This a warped view of male-female relationships and a distorted perspective of Life in general.

Since so many of us believe the Christian mythology of creation, let's draw an example from it. The circle of Life begun when God created Adam first. It then took a 'rib' from Adam to make him a companion called Eve. Contemplating on this narrative leads one to realize that Man is intended to produce and provide for the woman. After all, man came first and the woman followed. Men must 100% lead the woman in the course of life. Leadership happens when a man wears his masculinity on his sleeve and accepts his responsibilities. Women follow in the footsteps of men.

Do you desire to have a thriving relationship with your woman/women? Lead and provide in all aspects of your relationships. Initiate meaningful conversations, make the first move when you see a woman you like, make the first move towards sexual seduction and for fuck's sake please pay 100% of the bills.

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