Why Elective, Winner-Takes-All Democracy Is Full Of Shit

A free -willed being, which is what a human being is, expresses themselves through the exercising of unlimited and uninhibited free agency. In other terms, a person establishes their unique individuality by freely expressing who they are. Currently, the world places a lot of limits on how one can express themselves thereby curtailing the free will of human beings.

One day in the future, the free-willed people of earth might determine for themselves that their happiness should extend beyond maintaining the current status quo forever. The history of human government in our modern world should be all the proof we need to understand that it is impossible to trust any one of us or a group of us to treat all people equally and establish the perfect government. None of us can be trusted with power and authority over others, because it is part of our human nature to change our environment to fit our personal preferences. However, the Universe is an environment that cannot be modified to adapt or react to the opinions and perspectives of any one individual or of a majority. All opinions and perspectives must be respected and protected.

It is evident from history that those whom we elected by the voice of the majority are more than likely to follow their 'conscience' and establish a government that serves their own interests. The current democratically elected and supported governments of the world do not serve the people, but rather are served by the people by the taxes that the people are forced to pay. The citizens are expected to serve these governments through patriotism. Some governments are set up to support citizens in their individual efforts to enrich themselves and their families. However, these governments set up systems of class based on economic status that afford more opportunity and success to those in the higher classes. No democracy has ever met the important criteria of serving the needs of the people equally.

In our current imperfect world, the majority is seldom right. Even in the first ostensibly free democracy of the United States of America, the majority once believed that it was right and proper to own other human beings as slaves in order to enrich themselves and to deny women the rights of men. When this so called ' free democracy' was first established, its majority also believed that the Native American Indians were a lower class people who deserved less. In more modern times, the majority believes that love shared by two free-willed beings of the same sex is wrong.

During a time in our recent history of civilization, the majority the most respected, refined and educated people believed that the earth was flat. These ignorant ones were the ones who ran the governments that controlled the people. Unfortunately, we have very little assurance that those who are the most respected, the most refined, and the most educated people of our modern world, i.e, leaders in government, are not just as ignorant as the majority of our ancestors.

All these facts show how and why a democracy for and by the voice and vote of the majority of free-willed people will never lead to lasting peace and happiness for all free-willed people equally.

This is an excerpt from the book 'Human Reality:Who we are and why we exist" by Anonymous. 

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