BNSN Stands on His Business With Debut Contentainment Capsule

BNSN Photographed by Hussein Waiyaki

BNSN Interviewed by Aquarius Obote

When I meet the man known to the world as BNSN for the interview, he starts by showing the branding for his current contentainment capsule- Light Work. Its blue and golden in color with  white light at the center. It looks like an eyeball, if they were blue, yellow and white. He tells me it was inspired by Kanye West's Jesus Is King album cover.

I see the semblance between these two. They are Geminis born two days apart. For BNSN however, birthdays are a forgotten and old practice, "I dont celebrate my birthday anymore. I count my days every day. Every day counts that way. This June 10th I will be turning 9,496 days old."

This is the same person who is at the leading edge of thought when it comes to the evolution of what people consider entertainment. His latest project comes in collaboration with Hermès Trismegistus, alias, Thoth, an Egyptian God associated with Intelligence, wisdom and the Hermetic principles. BNSN explains that he has been collaborating with Thoth on his Light Work Contentainment Capsule.

He shows me the written lectures and essays on que for publishing. There is one called 'The Dark side of the Mainstream Education Industry.' Another one is titled 'Why Christians don't go to Heaven'. My jaw drops and then we begin the confessions and explanations. This is BNSN and his Contentainment Universe, 

LIGHT WORK Contentainment Capsule

TA:You say you discovered and coined the phrase Contentainment. How does that story go?

BNSN:You're not wrong. I really did figure out the word Contentainment. It was in 2019. I started using it at The Address in 2020.

TA: What's Contentainment all about?

BNSN:We are taking it at face value. It's Content and entertainment. That's really it. The simplest thing ever. I don't want anyone thinking that this is something huge, you feel me? It's really something basic. Easy to grasp for most people

TA: So how are you involved with the Contentainment Universe?

BNSN:When me and Billie Sumtum started working on the first Contentainment Capsules, I had to figure out a way to brand the idea of Contentainment. We had to build the Contentainment Universe. It's where ideas and thoughts go to grow. For the Contentainment Universe, am a Thought Producer and the founder of it. Billie Sumtum is also the world's first ever Thought Producer in the Contentainment Universe. That's how we connect with it

TA: The world is pretty crowded with good ideas. Why is Contentainment a big deal? Why should anyone care to pay attention to what you are doing?

BNSN:My job at this time is to convey the highest Thoughts of our generation. That's going to happen within the Contentainment Universe. Within this genre, it is my intention to contribute towards amplifying the level of Consciousness on this planet at this time. So, that's why I think it's a pretty big deal. 

The way we do that is by creating Contentainment through Thought Production. According to plan, we are going to find the simplest ways to convey the highest Thoughts available to anyone on the planet. 

We are telling everyone that their highest thoughts can be made manifest by Thought Producers in the Contentainment Universe. 

"That's a bold thing to say, even for me. But I know that's what's going to happen."- BNSN

TA: Are there any signs that you will make a difference in life at all?

BNSN: My Artist bio says I've been involved with life at multiple levels since I was born. I like to see it this way: I've been influencing people since I arrived on this planet. I've been making a difference in life all my life. 

TA: Is that a heavy duty task, to make a difference?

BNSN: No. I haven't always done it intentionally on purpose. But this time I can feel the weight of it. I'm doing all things on purpose, and that puts you in a position where you have to see things through from start to the end. You feel me? 

TA: Your new project is called Light Work.

BNSN: Yes it is.

TA: What's happening with this new Contentainment Capsule?

BNSN: This is the world's first ever Contentainment Capsule. It's made in Africa, on this land. I like to acknowledge that. This is the first time in a long time that Africa has presented a universal idea to the world. This is my gift to life. If you pay attention, you will find out that it has universal application. 

This debut Capsule for me represents the Light. This is what happens when Light hits you, you become visible. Ideas in our heads become visible when the Light bulb noment happens. That's what this Contentainment Capsule is about. I'm Lighting things up. That's not to say I'm fighting the Darkness. Light happens within the context of the Dark. 

There is an Article called 'The Metaphysics of Darkness', it's on the Capsule. So, I'm shedding Light on more than a dozen things. It's an active transmission of Light. I want people to read it and make the best out of it.

TA: We are seeing a whole different approach towards creativity with this Capsule. How did you make it? 

BNSN: I started by stopping. I begun to work on this approach towards creativity in 2021. That's when I started realizing that am an Artist in general. I write stuff, I design stuff, I innovate, I produce Thoughts on purpose. What do you call that? It's Art in my eyes. 

"When I realized that, I had to stop doing things the old way. The old way of waiting for something to happen so we can break the news on The Address. That's redundant. I had to stop doing that. "- BNSN

I picked up a catalogue mentality sometime in November 2021. I borrowed heavily from the music industry. 

A Capsule is the equivalent of a musical album. A Capsule comes with Essays, lectures, Articles and videos and stuff you can stream online. You see, it's bundled material. It's a diversified, hybrid of packaged content. 

TA: How does it make sense, money wise?

BNSN: God would be mad at me if I wasn't using my talents to feed myself and improve my life. Contentainment has to provide for me and everyone involved with it. 

Ultimately, licensing is the name of the game. We are looking at a future where Contentainment Capsules can be licensed for wordlwide distribution on websites where people can read the articles, watch the videos and listen to the lectures. 

If we do it just the right way, we are going to see the emergence of Life's first generation of Contentainers. People who are influential for producing the highest thoughts of our times. Brands that connect with people at all levels, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually. That's the kind of situation that we are counting on manifesting with Contentainment. 

"Writers, authors, artists, life's scholars, scientists and professionals will be able to do Contentainment capsules. That's a bright future to contemplate on. "

TA: Does anyone else share the vision?

BNSN: I talked to several people about this during the early days. Billie Sumtum gets the credit for hearing me talk about Contentainment on purpose. He recognized it when he saw it on my wall in my bedroom. I also talked to Alfayo Jr about it. He gets it too. I wanted on onboard Telehmani to be an executive producer on the Capsule as well. So he knows what's up with us. 

Mr Kamawe, in Atlanta has also cosigned. And there are all the followers of The Address. I like to think we have planted the idea in many minds already. 

TA: What has been the roll out strategy for the new Capsule?

BNSN: We are looking to mass publish the Articles and Essays on The Address' blog first. That's how we partnered with Google's blogging platform. All the articles are getting published on first. That's the  first step. 

The roll out has also been different because we can't say there is set date for the premier of the Capsule. It's a perpetual roll out. It'll continue happening. We'll publish articles and all that other stuff until the whole project is complete. 

TA:Marketing is always a hindrance for most artists. How are you pulling it off?

BNSN: I like to say that we are professional attention seekers. We know how to draw attention to the things we do. I'm an Attention Artist, I can draw attention to whoever or anything on any given day .

That being said, we acknowledge the power of doing media tours where we let the world know about the Contentainment Universe, the capsules and all that other stuff.

"My essays and articles, I'm narrating them and turning them to lectures that you can listen to. I'm a Lecturer with it. Im a performing lecturer, you can say that."-BNSN

TA:Lectures. You said there are lectures on the Capsule?

BNSN: I dropped out of university but I still write my lectures. My essays and articles, I'm narrating them and turning them to lectures that you can listen to. I'm a Lecturer with it. Im a performing lecturer, you can say that. 

TA: You seem quite gassed about all of this stutf...

BNSN: I am. I try to keep my composure through all the excitement. Contentainment is a breath of fresh air. It's the next step beyond entertainment and I would like the world to take it and run with it. It's a leap in human consciousness. I'm gassed for a reason. 

TA: Your mom is an executive producer on the Capsule. How did that happen?

BNSN: First of all, she produced me at birth. Through that alone she deserves to be seen as an executive producer. 

She gave me everything I needed to prosper in all I do in life. That's why she is very close to this project and to what I do. 

Out of The Blue: A Contentainment Video by BNSN is on que for release
Image courtesy of Contentainment Universe

TA: Whats your next move?

BNSN: I want to make it my best move yet. I have videos we are working on with Zirra and Nick Oloo. These are the first video directors to be involved with Contentainment. Gakuo Martin of Solma studios shot my debut video. It's coming out as well. 

TA: What do you want the world to know you for? 

BNSN: I am among the world's first professional Thought Producers. I created the Contentainment Universe. I'm a Scientific Artist. I'm what's new and shiny if we are talking creativity at this time. I am a trained Scribe. Hermes Trismegistus taught me Thought Production and how to work with the Light. That's what I want the Akashic records to indicate. 

BNSN's third generation logo made for the Light Work Contentainment Capsule

Follow BNSN here to contribute to his Fan Raiser happening this July 7,2022 on The Address.

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