Kenyans Impressed by Local News about Crime, Politics and Disasters

Mainstream local news is taking Kenyans by storm. The News spoke to local news enthusiasts about their experience watching mainstream news on a daily basis for most of their lives..

local news 

"I just like how they never miss the latest stories about politics. It is very inspiring to watch all politicians of different parties and places argue it out on TV during the news!"

- 25 Y/o Story fabricator

"I make sure I get home on time to put on the news. I watch the 7pm news and the 9pm news. I like to stay updated on things that don’t affect me and have no bearing in my life. Did you hear about the top scorers in the last national exams.?"

- 23 year old, Nairobi

"It (Local News) keeps me informed so I have stuff to worry about all the time and to keep me on edge in my life. Who doesn’t like it? There is peace in knowing all the terrible things happening in my country. Now I know what exactly to worry and pray about. May God forgive us."

- 40 year old fictional character, Waiyaki Way 

"Oh, the government said we have to register our sim cards again. You have to because if you don’t, Habaricom will shut down you line. Its on the news so it must true and genuine. They want to make our lives safer. I watch the news every day I know what am saying."

- University student

News by The Address

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