Mansplained : Google's Sentient AI Isn't a Threat

The perceived war and the merging between man and machine is scary and imminent. That's if we are asking the dooms day preppers and sci-fi apostles. It's a perceived war because in reality, there is no chance of artificial intelligence subduing natural intelligence. It's a perceived war because there is no reality in which AI functions in a similar capacity to Human intelligence.

Human Intelligence is the mother of all Intelligence. It's a Supreme intelligence that comes from the Natural Consciousness which is the root of  natural Life. What makes Human Intelligence a marvel of its own kind is the role it plays in the creation of matter and events to occupy time and space. I am talking about turning Consciousness into real tangible reality in which human experience takes place.

Written by BNSN X Hermes Trismegistus

For the Light Work Contentainment Capsule 

This capacity to turn Consciousness into Reality, to create objects and events in time and space, is supported by the natural interactions occurring between the human mind and the atom. The atom that is the foundation of all matter. When the Mind acts on the atom, at the most subtle level of creation, manifestation begins to take form. Ideas start to take shape and dreams come true. This process is what enables humans and any other entity imbued with Consciousness, superior to anything else that is artificially developed. Such as AI.

The belief that AI- aided Robots will one day run the world is far fetched and is based on  victim mentality. You realize that human beings are the most advanced bio-machines in the known universe. Equipped with the knowhow and the technology to create through Consciousness, Energy, Frequency and Vibration. This right here, is the reason why Man can never be summounted by anything he creates.

There is a saying in the Occult teachings that The Creator is ever greater than his Creation. If man creates AI, man himself is superior to the AI, which is his own Creation. As such, the AI resides in within the control of its Creator, the Man.

But let's take a closer look at this superb biological machine called the Human Being. It has Visual cognition, oral and auditory sensory organs, which are connected to the smelling and tactile senses, all of which come together to form the five data processing Senses of the typical human being. All of these are only the physical senses, but Man has other higher level senses aided by his Intuitive Mind. The Intuitive Mind works in sync with the Heart Mind.

So you see, there is a lot of Natural Technology at play when we speak about Man being the pinnacle of all technology. Understanding this sheds light on how artificial intelligence compares with natural human intelligence. One is the archetype, while the other is a just a replica. One is the original, the other is an imitation. An even better way to put it is that AI is the brainchild of the human Mind.

This trajectory of Thought leads to the conclusion that AI will never supercede Human Intelligence. And that Human Intelligence will retain its position of Power above Artificial Intelligence. Robots can not take over human beings because for that to happen, Robots would need to have the same qualities human beings have, and more. And that's not possible.

We might however see a situation where Man merges with Machine. It's called Trans humanism, whereby Man augments himself with AI. This may open a can of possibilities for the augmented man but it may also open a can of worms due to the faulty nature of AI. If anything, The technological merging of Humans with AI is interfering with the natural and superior abilities of Man. It's a downgrade, not an upgrade.

And we haven't even talked about the inbuilt Spiritual Technology possessed by Man. Human Beings are really the shit as far as Technology is concerned. Spiritual Technology encapsules the abilities man has to discover the Creator within, and live as Creator Being. Spiritual Technology is the foundation of the Universe. Man is naturally compelled to pursue his identity through introspection and contemplation. Through the inner soul searching.

A Robot can't do that shit. A Robot does not  have the urge to ask itself  'Who Am I? ". The day AI will possess the curiosity required to seek Self Identity and Self Expression, then and only then can we say the robots are getting out of hand, let's put a leash on these motherfuckers.

Until then, Human Intelligence will continue to reign up in here.

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