The Dark Side of Mainstream Education

The history of mainstream education is probably dark, unheard of and actually hidden from the masses who go through the school systems of today. I didn’t bother to look up how education started, but you should.


I can tell you this however, education, as it is today, is a major setback in the natural evolution of human beings occupying the Earth at this time. If you have fortunately read any of my other articles in the Light Work Contentainment Capsule, you know that I keep the voices in my head on heavy rotation. One of those voices keeps telling me to talk about mainstream education. Here goes nothing.


Like everyone else born before and after me, I started attending school when I was what, five years old? Before we continue, why does a five-year-old toddler have to go to school at all? My common sense and the voices in my head all agree in unison that five-year-old kids belong at home with their mothers and fathers. But no, education is important and school is the key. So what? Fuck the kids and make them go to school, from 8-5am, five days a week? Sounds about right.


Sending under age children to school looks like abandonment to me and anybody else who has a bit of Self Awareness. By underage, I mean kids below 15 years. The law goes berserk when child labor is perpetrated, but it takes a back seat when kids below 15 years of age are subjected to education before they can even learn how to make a conversation. Man, what the hell?


I don’t like it. It doesn’t sit well with me to know that I spent my childhood going to school five days a week, for 11 years. It won’t sit well with you either when you think about whats going on with mainstream education.


Spending my childhood in education camps coincided well with the inauguration of Kenya's 3 president Mwai Kibaki. The old man came into office and declared free primary school education for all. Looking back, that’s when I started getting fucked by the education system.


Sure, I was a smart kid in class but that’s not the point. Just because I excelled in school doesn’t mean education is the best thing that ever happened to me. The opposite is true to a large degree: Education derailed me and delayed my natural human evolution and growth. Now am having to play catch up with myself in my mid-twenties. Can you believe this shit?


Just thinking about it makes me wanna write even worse things about education. I don’t have anything positive to say about going to school at all. Firstly, going to school took me away from my parents. You know how it goes. You attend school Monday through Friday, morning to evening, and they give you homework to carry back home to your parents. Whats the point of homework? Doesn’t school work belong in school? It does, right? Right.


But the way things are with mainstream education, pupils are kept preoccupied with school work even during their free time at home. Shit kinda looks like a 9-5 job situation to me. Whereby you are never not doing work until your boss says you are done.


If we are comparing mainstream education with a regular 9-5 job setting, we can say that your early childhood teacher, your class teachers, and  all the other ten-plus subject teachers; these are your bosses. You are required to comply with your boss when you take up a job, just like you are required to obey your bossy teachers when you sign up for school. Tell me you get it. Just tell me you get my drift!


Not unlike industrial prisons, schools come with mad rules for pupils. Obey the rules- get rewarded, break the rules get punished.  There are the authority figures and the bureaucracy is made evident by the lowest ranking power bearers- class prefects and class monitors and class representatives. Up the chain of command, there are the head boys and head girls appointed by the school head teachers. It’s a whole system made to simulate a governmental structure.


The missionary goal of this article is to paint a picture of the mainstream education industry and how it holds back the growth of those who partake in it, as well as demonstrate how the school systems sets you up to be a victim of your circumstances. Its not very obvious how this takes place, so we are going to spend countless sentences figuring this shit out together. Are you game? Lets play.



Now that am a grown up who has unlearnt a bunch of the things they taught me in school, I can look at that system and pinpoint all the questionables that happen inside the education industry. With much conviction, I know for real that I did not have to spend eight years learning how to read and write. Kids arent as dumb as we think. They can actually learn very fast. So I do not see why eight years of my life were spent learning basic literature, mathematics and shallow sciences. Civics, was optional. Civics!


What am driving at here is that eight years of education could have been covered in three years. However, it appears that mainstream education is more focused on prolonging the time we spend in school getting brainwashed, doesn’t it? Right now,  Seven year old kids can browse the internet, flip between tv channels and do other smart-ass things. But when I was 7 years old, they were busy teaching me about windsocks, barometers and all that other shit. Damn.


It appears to me that education is a practical and bullet proof platform for holding people back mentally, spiritually and emotionally. By being exposed to low quality and shallow education, we became conditioned to think at a superficial level. As a student you are kept under significant amount of stress. Think about how pupils are made to do assignments daily, write notes, read and participate in class and partake in group work projects, attend preps before and after the lessons begin, comply with school rules and arrive there on time in the morning. Lets not forget the examinations, which are done thrice during a school term: the opening exams, the midterms and the end terms. Fuck, that’s just so much stress! Something is wrong here. Any sane person can see that there is something in the waters of mainstream education.


The purpose of any stressful environment is to keep its victims in control. Consider concentration camps, jails and asylums. There are so many bottlenecks in these institutions, bottlenecks which exist for one reason: to keep the 'captives' in check. To make sure their captives do not fuck around and enjoy their freedoms of expression, movement or exercise their divine rights as living, breathing sentient human beings. Is it just me or does this remind you of your school experience?


The Education system should just be called the Miseducation system. All it does is hold you back. It holds you back mentally, spiritually and overall as a human being. Place a non-educated human being in any environment and they will discover ways to maneuver through it, navigate and survive without being taught. Once they figure out their survival, they will naturally proceed to explore the workings of nature and develop a relationship with it. If they keep it up, they will grow into spiritual beings, who understand their connection with the air, water, fire and wind. In other words, they will evolve to a level where they know about their relationship with the universe. That seems like the natural trajectory of human growth and evolution. Is that what you get in school? Hell no.


If you ask me or any of my associates, we will all tell you that real education ought to teach you about your relationship with Nature, and about your position in the Universe. Real education should enlighten people about their history, their pedigree and their blood line. It should help one discover the true stories of their forefathers along with their accomplishments and ways of living and existing in the Universe. Most importantly, and I cannot stress this enough, real education must teach you about Who You Are and Why You Exist.


Mainstream education is a cheap, low hanging and rotten apple that we were forced to bite, chew and swallow. And now, since we ate the apple, we have been suffering from the deadly germs that it carried. The popular school curriculum of 8-4-4 does very little to help a child know themselves in a real sense. Instead, children are forced to focus on their grades, marks, and scores. And homework, and holiday assignments and ten other goddamn things.


Kids attending school don’t have a single shot at knowing the real history of their forefathers. Due to their lack of real history, they end up being disconnected from their cultural heritage and from their ancestors. As a domino effect, they cannot do anything to honor their mothers and fathers because they are starved off culture and fed with useless gobbledegook about mainstream foreign religions, which are not even real per se.


Deny someone the chance to connect with their land, culture and pedigree, and you have a person who is lost in the world. That is why you and I have had a difficult time figuring out who we are after we graduate from school.  Self-realization is not something that is promoted or encouraged in any school today. If education was really the Key to life, then they should have started by teaching me about my-goddamn-self!


With the current low-quality education, you have zero chances of doing anything significant, worthwhile or fulfilling in your life. School dropouts are the only ones who seem to be free to pursue their life goals. On the other hand, school graduates are only focused on getting jobs and obeying instructions from their bosses. Am at risk of stating the obvious, brace yourself.


The main reason why School graduates (who lack any significant degree of self-awareness) want to get employed so bad after serving time in education camps, is because getting a job satisfies their need for a familiar rhythm. Spending time in education centers makes one get into a certain momentum and cycle. You have to be in class by 9am, attend the lectures, go home, do your assignments and then REPEAT. Where else do you get that kind of cycle after graduating? In employment!


Let’s think big picture now. You just finished your school sentence; you have graduated from college. You come into the real world. There is plenty of freedom that comes with graduating college. Unfortunately, freedom is not what you are used to. I mean, you have spent close to nineteen years in the school system, what the fuck do you know about freedom? So, you are a systems fiend. You just want to get back into the system. You have a deadly urge to continue with the system of rules, bureaucracies, hierarchies and obedience that you learnt in school. So, what do you resort to? Employment baby!



With employment, this is the scenario; Just like your school teachers, your boss tells you what to do, where to sit, when to talk and if you do all these things to the letter, you get rewarded. The only valid conclusion here is that employment is a continuation of the education system.



If we are being serious, education is really the root of all misery today. It robs you off your childhood, takes you away from your parents and impedes your growth and development as a living, breathing and sentient human being. Education for all should be abolished.  Are you going to defend a system that took you away from you parents before you could get to know them and learn from them?


If you think about why kids rebel and fight with their parents today; it is mostly because they are not performing well in school, or they are not going to school enough or they are breaking the damn school rules, which are meant to be broken anyways. Education, as it is today, has been the cause of conflicts between parents and their kids. That is how children become kleptomaniacs. It’s a reaction to their being forced to attend school and spend time away from home. Home is where the heart is. Take the child away from home and you break their hearts, literally.



A child with a broken heart grows up into an adult with childhood trauma. They are at the risk of getting employed to dye slowly on the job. If that doesn’t get them, they can always turn into criminals as a way to cope with the lack of jobs that education promised them. Education, education, education.


Until we rediscover the education of our forefathers and learn about our relationship with the Land, Nature, the Universe and nurture our relationship with ourselves, we are going to continue suffering the consequences of mainstream education, whereby the schools are temples of Ignorance.


















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