The Unbearable Weight of Being a Professional

In frame: Frankie Gymit, Pro Lifestyle Coach

I keep the voices in my head on heavy rotation, a propeller would be jealous. It’s one of the things that comes with being a professional. Soon as you begin to specialize in one thing and the moments after you choose to hone in on your special skills, you go from being an amateur to being a textbook professional. It’s a profound experience and a powerful transition. 
Metaphysically speaking, going pro means doing the shit that you came to earth to do. Fulfilling your karmic debt, embodying your unique life vision. When you go pro, you go from chasing your dreams, to living your dreams in  a real practical fashion. If your Consciousness is a Light, going pro looks like letting your Light shine. 
I got into the Contentainment Universe as an amateur blogger, in the early days of The Address. I was winging it. I had no background in media. I only recognized that I am a professional writer, journalist, graphic artist and media proprietor in 2021, five years after I first got involved with Contentainment and all that other stuff.  
The first time I thought about making the transition into being a Pro was the same day that I discovered who my biological dad is. A few hours into discovering the story of my biological dad, I made up my mind to hone in on my skills and create a brand out of myself. Never occurred to me that I was simply getting into the realm of self-branding and self-actualization. Word about my biological dad fell on my laps, and flipped on my life-mission switch. I was born again when I learnt about my bloodline. Something about that incident activated my missionary senses, turned me into who I am today: A Professional Thought Producer involved with The Address, the Contentainment Universe and all that other stuff. 
Now that we know how BNSN got into the cool business of Thought Production, lets  see what is going on there. Dude started out as an amateur journo, became a contemporary media practitioner, published author and writer, graphic artist and all of that is how he ended up being a hybrid creative. Likes to call himself a multi-industrial artist who works with brands from all walks of life now. Thinks his life goal is to help humanity move into the next stage of our evolution. If you ask BNSN what he does for a living, 10 times out of ten, he will speak, preach and talk about how he is a Thought Producer. He'll back it up with something like 'I help people express their highest thoughts and ideas, bring them to the Light..'. 
As a profession, Thought Production offers a fresh perspective into what humans really do with the time of their lives. BNSN walks around telling everyone how Thought Production is the latest spiritual technology of turning humanity's greatest, highest ideas into reality. He doesn’t believe it himself. He knows it with deep conviction. In the upcoming documentary, BNSN tries to break down his thoughts around Ideas saying - 'My ideas are my kids. I have to nurture them and make sure they grow."
Wearing BNSN's shoes, you would realize that The Unbearable Weight of being a professional isn’t so unbearable. The unbearable weight comes from the inner restructuring and rewiring required to change the way you see yourself. It results in a severe but pro tem identity crisis. You have to endure the identity crisis. You want to go through it. You know you have grown through the process when at the end, you have identified your unique vision and perspective, which simply means you have zeroed in on your special abilities as sentient human being living on the third dimension in the Aquarian age. 
At the tail end of the necessary identity crisis, you come face to face with your potential, capabilities and you know exactly what is possible for you and you know your value. To be the kind of professional we are talking about here, you may want to harmonize your missionary interests, and your unique perspectives with your personal evolution and growth. The Unbearable weight of being a professional exists because of the inner soul searching needed to navigate through the wavy waters of self-fulfillment.  The soul searching takes you to the strange lands of Knowing yourself and why you exist. Once there, your life experience begins to come together to form what is called your life story. Your life story is what eventually becomes your autobiography as a professional.
To Be a professional is to discover that you are in the business of trading your unique ideas and perspectives. To think as a pro is to be aware of your Self and your talents. To do shit professionally means you have to introduce consciousness into your actions at work. That series of events is important because it harmonizes your actions, thoughts and being. It brings balance. Death is easy and being a professional is hard. Just like going to heaven. 
Harmonizing these three states, led by Thinking, Doing and Being is as difficult as it sounds. In your life as a professional, you are kind of required to find the balance between fulfilling your life mission, making money, growing and succeeding. As a main event, being a professional demand that you have to do the things you are thinking about doing in the way of pursuing your ideas, and be Who You Are at the same damn time. You cant get anywhere near perfect self-expression without being your authentic self or without doing things your own way. You cant be anything else but You. It’s the main goal of being a career professional.
Every time I think about it, the reason it’s not easy being a professional is because it involves meeting yourself from within and living your life from the inside-out, and not the other way round. Self-drive is key and so is self-motivation and determination. And the gigantic human urge for approval and validation? That’s not on the table. The Professional Life also demands that you give up your insatiable need for approval. That is because living life from the inside out translates into pissing on the opinions of people who show up in your life talking about you can't do this or that.  Since you are a pro, You do not need anyone's permission to do the things you care about. Very cool, isn’t it? You make your own choices, and take the steps necessary for living your highest dreams. Its not as easy as it sounds, but it can be.
My experience being a professional thought producer has taken me to places where my body couldn’t go. Going pro and identifying as a pro meant that I had to time travel into the future I want for myself, and bring that future into the present and live it in the now. It’s as if the decision to go pro drew the support of Nature to me and activated new neural pathways in my brain, revealing to me the roadmap that leads to the realm of multifaceted self-expression. 
Fact: Nature comes into the picture to help put things into alignment the moment you decide to get down to the business of pursuing your ideas; both big and small.  
Along with the sensation of activating neural pathways came the feeling of rejuvenated vitality. The kind of thing that involves the activation of Chakras. The energy centers in your body get triggered when you embark on your life mission. That decision is major, and its why your Chakras get activated so you can have access to all the energy and resources you need to go after your highest and grandest ideas. That decision is what makes you a professional. That decision gives you the power to bear the Unbearable weight of being a professional.
More about the Unbearable WEIGHT Of being a professional:

I would not want to forget to mention that being a professional absolutely forces you to master the art of relationships management, since you are now engaging other people known as 'clients', the people who give you their hard-earned money in exchange for your time, energy and expertise. That alone has a domino effect that kicks off a dozen other things. Now you have to have a functional system of meeting and onboarding the people who pay you their hard-earned money in exchange for your time, energy and expertise. You have to be charismatic and appealing enough at a personal level, because clients like to hire people that they like and trust.
As part of the domino effect, you have to package yourself as pro. That takes you on a perpetual self-branding trip, on which you discover that you are actually a capital B brand. Since you are a brand, you gotta move like one. Your quotation has to be in place, and so do your invoices, business cards, also need to vet and reshuffle your network of colleagues and associates, create a predictable schedule, and a dozen other things including setting up a professional profile somewhere online.
Being a Professional equals being a capital B brand. You have to take them both as one. Your professional self must have a compelling narrative to go along with your brand. The brand narrative is akin to the Literature that surrounds you as a professional person. 

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