The Modern Art Of Self Promotion and How To Go About It.

Barak Jacuzzi Photographed by Eliab Notnice

Welcome to this lecture. I left campus before my graduation, and got into the immersive University of Life. And recently I discovered and signed up to the University of Cosmic Intelligence ran and operated by Divine Insight. You can call me insane because I am crazy about Reality Creation and my position in it. That’s why the idea of Promoting brands appeals to me. Creating brands is the equivalent of manipulating dark matter energy to create a desired reality in the material world. If you are a deep thinker, go figure.

I fuck with Branding heavy. Ask God about it. But it hasn’t always been that way if am keeping it real. My background and  catalogue in new media turned me into an Attention Artist. I can draw Attention to anything. This is whats Branding is really about when I think about it. Brands are made to draw Attention without which Brands are what, fucked?  You got it. 

You can @ me on Twitter if I start telling lies. The Truth is, promoting yourself is entirely about being able to attract and maintain the Attention of the world around you. That’s an uphill battle and a walk in the park depending on who you ask. The Self-Identified Professional knows how to naturally draw attention to the things they like. They have charisma, healthy social networks, a reputation and a catalogue. Sworn professionals also have well-fed marketing experts around them to assist with the task of creating buzz. 

So lets pretend you are not a sworn professional as of now. Work with me. Maybe you are not a even a regular person; no job, no apparent career either. You are just a person at best. Now, because you are a natural person, you possess an innate desire to be seen and be heard. You want to use your voice for something. And you like the idea of being an influential motherfucker. You want to be legendary in life. It can be said that you are in the pursuit of your Divine Power. 

At the end of the day, the sun will set and you will need to shine like the motherfucking star you are. Question is, how do you build and promote yourself as a Professional in Life. Are you with me or what? This is about identifying your position in Life as a Creator Being and standing on that business my boy. This is about handling your business as a Professional Person and having your way in Life.

What do they tell you about yourself? Scientists will tell you that you are here because a massive bang happened out of the blue several billions of years ago. Liars. They might even tell you that you are the result of natural evolution. Fuck that. That’s not your story. You are bigger than these narratives. You are beyond anybody's description of You. That being said, lets stick to the business of  promoting Yourself as a pro.

Now, because you are neither the mere result of a big bang nor natural evolution, we can conclude that you are a massive mystery of Creation. Whatever you are, there comes a time when you just need to be seen and to be heard. There comes a time when you want to use your Voice to speak stuff into existence at the national, global and universal levels. Fuck with me, you know this shit is real. You want to be visible. As long as Light exists, you are going to have to shine with it. 

Promoting yourself as a Pro reminds me of the following:

• Coming into the Awareness of  Who You Are.

• Getting an Innerstanding of Who you Are

• Determining your role and position in Life

• Committing towards Promoting Excellence, Prosperity, Peace and Harmony for all Beings 

• Standing up for something that reduces the limits of Life as we know it

This shit gets deep and I don’t mean to scare you into overthinking that this stuff is difficult. I can do this in my sleep and so can you. This shit sweet. To promote yourself you have to be in tune with your motherfucking self. You got the keys to the mystery of your being. Once you unlock the mysteries of Who You Are, you are out of here. Gone. If you want to promote yourself and live out your chosen dreams.

Don't let no one tell you that you need an entire marketing department and a huge budget in order to create buzz around your brand. But to an extent, that's true though.

My emphasis is, you are naturally built with the sophisticated capabilities of achieving WTF you want my nigga. If you want to draw attention to the shit you got going on, that's possible, and easy at the same damn time. Getting Attention; Isn't that what self promotion is about?

Obviously, it's a good idea to promote yourself whenever you have something to offer to the world. This shit is spiritual so am going to have to remind you that you have a Gift. You have talents. Talent is another word for money. Money means My own natural energy yields. As you can see, there is a lot going on here.

"When you are giving your Gift to the world, you will end up having the urge to market the shit out of your brand. Check? Either way you see it, this is all self promotion."

You gotta stand on your business. Get the job done. Be intentional about the things you do and pursue. Do all these things and a dozen other things including studying yourself, meditation, Astral projection and learn dark matter consciousness and you won't even have to struggle with promoting yourself. Am saying this with my chest and in your face. Promoting yourself is like taking candy from a toddler when you are in tune with your natural divine self. When you do the inner work, people will naturally start to pay attention to whatever you do. 

The access codes to the vault of building your brand are contained in your DNA. Go within yourself and find the road map to getting Attention and gaining recognition.

On top of all that, you may require the input of other individuals in the process of promoting your brand. Those individuals may be experts in marketing and branding. The vocabulary here is changing. Thought Producers are coming to the forefront and we are saying these are the new brand builders. Thought Producers are the Branding and Repertoire professionals who you can count on to promote your brand, increase your influence and build your image.

"If you make it all the way to the last verse of this lecture, I'll tell you that am Thought Producer and I want you to get familiar with the field of B&R. Sure you heard about A&R before but B&R is something else."

In the country of Promoting yourself, you will see that  Branding and Repertoire is a necessary thing to do. You will need a B&R pro on your team to handle all your branding and promotion needs. Someone to practically handle the growth of your brand. That’s what B&R is. That’s what it does.

What to do if you need my help:

First of all, you have to realize that am just as good at this as you are at it. You can do this shit for yourself. 

Nevertheless, if you need my input on how to promote your brand and be known for who you are, am going to take your money in fair trade. 

My retainer begins at Ksh10, 000, nonrefundable and paid in advance. But I also accept payments in Gold, silver, bronze, Copper and other rare minerals. Send me a note right now before you leave the blog my email is 

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